Wait Times
Please see below the various online requests that you can complete using our website, next to their expected wait time. Please only contact the practice if your request has been longer than the service wait time, as it increases the strain on our operations unnecessarily. Please click here to complete an online form for any admin or medical requests.
Request Type | Wait Times |
Online medical requests | 2 Working days (urgent requests will be dealt with faster) |
Test results | 10 Working days (from date of test) |
Referrals | 3-4 Working Days |
Letter requests, medical records & medical reports | 30 Days |
Sick notes | 5 Working Days |
Online registration | 5 Working days |
Prescription requests | 2 Working days |
Hospital requests (from the hospital) | 24 Hours |
Safeguarding requests | Varies depending on category |
Insurance forms | 30 Days |